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Best Valentine Drink - Chocolate Raspberry Martini

How to Make Raspberry Chocolate Martinis

For many years, I would gather my best girl friends and have a Post Valentine Tea Party, The only Tea we were having was mar-T-inis. I would mix up a batch of these yummy drinks and we would chat, eat girl food, and have one hell of a night! Everyone would pitch in and bring their favorite girl food, aka appetizer and I would make my famous chocolate Bundt cake, but of course topping your the cake with hearts and sprinkles or Valentine's day. Great times with great friends!

chocolate raspberry martini with raspberry on top

Ingredients for Raspberry Chocolate Martini's

2 Parts Raspberry Vodka

1/2 part chocolate liqueur

1/2 part Irish cream

Fresh raspberries for garnish

Brownie Brittle for rim, this right here 👇👇💕 Got to have this!

chocolate raspberry martini with brownie brittle rim

How to Make Chocolate Raspberry Martinis

Here's the fun part, put your Brownie Brittle in a plastic bac and roll it or smash it with a rolling pin until it is a chunky dust. Place your Brownie Brittle on a saucer

Next, take your favorite martini glass, dip the rim in a little vodka to wet it and place your rim in the brownie brittle and give it a twirl.

Mix all liqueur in your favorite cocktail shaker, add some ice,  give it a nice shake to mix things up and pour in your Brownie Brittle rimed martini glass.  

Add a few fresh raspberries and enjoy! You will be laughing and chatting with your besties in no time.

 Enjoy Valentine's Day!

Until next time, happy, healthy trails!



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