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New England in Fall - A Magical Time of Year

Have you ever visited New England in the fall? If you haven’t it is a must-have for your bucket list. My father was born an easterner but journeyed out west after serving in WWII. He was 20 years old, traveling alone, in a topless 1927 roadster with no fenders leaving behind his family and friends. To say he was an adventurous man was an understatement. 

At age 12 my dad finally took me to New England for the first time in my life, I was hooked. I loved my big New England family, their yummy way of eating, eating often, and playing baseball out in the yard or just hanging out. I really felt at home. These warm loving memories never left me. 

Many years later after my dad passed, I decided to head east and see the fall colors and reconnect with my family. It was a trip of a lifetime. My boyfriend, now my husband flew into Burlington Vermont to see my aunt and uncle then took a fall road trip (the best kind really), winding our way through Vermont and New Hampshire, peeping at the fall foliage that was in all its glory, loving the big red barns and quaint little towns we rolled through. We finished our destination in beautiful Maine, eating lobster and hiking in Acadia National Park. 

We had an amazing week of travel, great food, and of course those amazing fall leaves. 

Fall is my favorite time of year, perhaps because of my wonderful times on the east coast, who knows. All I know is my travel inspired me forever leading me to create my fall candle line. 

If you didn’t know, we are starting our fall candle preorder event now, if you want to ensure you get exactly the candles you want, preorder now. This is our biggest event of the year.

We are releasing 2 new scents for fall and retiring a few of last year’s scents. If you would like to preorder, leave a comment, send an email, and did you know if you join our email list, you get 15% off your online order? Cool deal. By the way, you can preorder right here on the website, head on over to our home décor collection. 

What is your favorite season? Winter, spring-summer? Or Fall?  I am definitely a fall gal. LOVE it!  

Well, thanks for riding along cowgirls and boys we hope to hear from you soon. 

Until next time, happy healthy trails

~Lis n Jess


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