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Candles for Cowgirls!

Howdy Cowgirls and boys!

It is so great to be back in the saddle blogging again, I have really missed my blog this last year as I was working on setting up our new My Western Heart Website and launching our new line of candles, and if that wasn't enough, my family and I had a major move and some big family changes. What a year 2019 has been one for the books to say the least.

Anyway enough about me, what have you been up to? Have you had a chance to take a look at our new candle line? If not, go ahead and take a peek, and if I can answer any questions please leave me a comment right here. I promise to get back to you after the ranch chores are done. By the way, these make great gifts and come in 2 sizes and melts for your warmer.

Until next time, happy, healthy trails


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